"El idioma de las ciencias de la salud"
De Diccionario Académico de la Medicina
Diccionario médico Inglés-Español
Páginas en la categoría «Inglés-Español»
Las siguientes 200 páginas pertenecen a esta categoría, de un total de 2314.
(página anterior) (página siguiente)B
- baby
- baby tooth
- bachelor
- bacillus
- back
- back of the hand
- back sprain
- back strain
- back tooth
- backbone
- bacteriologist
- bacterium
- bad
- balance (ing)
- balanced salt solution
- baldness
- ball of the thumb
- balsam
- band
- band-aid
- bandage
- barbiturate
- barbituric
- barbituric acid
- barium
- barn
- barometric pressure
- basal acid output
- base excess
- base of the cranium
- basement membrane
- bath
- be sick
- bear
- beard
- beat
- bed
- bedclothes
- bedfast
- bedlam
- bedpan
- bedridden
- bedsore
- beer
- behavior
- behaviour
- belladonna
- belly
- bellyache
- belt
- benign paroxystic positional vertigo
- benzedrine
- benzoic
- benzoic acid
- benzoin
- beriberi (ing)
- beta lipotropin
- better
- bicarbonate ion
- bicuspid
- big toe
- bile
- Billroth's operation I
- Billroth's operation II
- biologist
- biopsy
- bipolar cell
- birth
- bismuth
- bite
- bitter
- black widow
- blackhead
- bladder
- blade
- blain
- blanket
- blast
- bleb
- bleeding
- blemish
- bleomycin
- blepharitis
- blind
- blind spot
- blindness
- blink
- blister
- blond
- blonde
- blood
- blood bank
- blood plasma
- blood poisoning
- blood pressure
- blood type
- blood-retinal barrier
- blow
- body
- bone
- borax
- borderline
- boron
- bosom
- boss
- bottle
- bowel
- box
- boyhood
- braid
- brain
- branch retinal venous occlusion
- bread
- breakfast
- breakup time -of lacrimal film-
- breast
- breast-feeding
- breath
- bridge
- broken
- bromide
- bromine
- bronchial asthma
- bronchitis
- bronchopneumonia
- bronchus
- brother
- brother in law
- brucellosis
- bruise
- bruit
- brunette
- brush
- bubonic fever
- bucca
- buffer
- bulla (ing)
- bump
- bunion
- burn
- burner
- bursa
- bursitis (ing)
- buttock
- bypass (ing)
- cadaver
- cadaveric
- caffeine
- cajal
- calcaneal tendom
- calcaneum
- calcaneus
- calcification
- calcium
- calculus
- calf
- calf bone
- caligo (ing)
- callosity
- calorie
- camphor
- cancer
- cancerous
- cancrum
- candle
- canine
- canine tooth
- capillary basement membrane thickening
- capillary oxigen saturation
- capillary oxygen content
- capsule
- carbohydrate
- carbon
- carbon monoxide
- carbuncle
- carcinoembryonic antigen
- carcinoma (ing)
- cardiac index
- cardiac output
- cardialgia (ing)
- cardiogram
- cardiologist
- cardiometer
- carditis (ing)
- caries (ing)
- carpus
- cartilage
- case
- castor oil
- casualty
- cat bite
- cataract
- catarrh
- catatonia (ing)
- cautery
- cavity
- cell
- cementum