"El idioma de las ciencias de la salud"
De Diccionario Académico de la Medicina
Diccionario médico Inglés-Español
Páginas en la categoría «Inglés-Español»
Las siguientes 200 páginas pertenecen a esta categoría, de un total de 2314.
(página anterior) (página siguiente)A
- abdomen (ing)
- abdominal surgery
- aberration
- ablepsia (ing)
- abnormal
- abnormal retinal correspondence
- abortion
- abouchement
- abscess
- absorbent cotton
- academic
- access
- accident
- accommodative convergence/accommodation ratio
- acetaminophen
- acetonemia
- ache
- acid
- acid-alcohol resistant bacilli
- acid-base balance
- acidosis (ing)
- acne
- acnitis (ing)
- acoustic meatus
- acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
- acromegaly
- acroneurosis (ing)
- acrophobia
- act
- actual (ing)
- acute
- acute cerebrovascular accident
- acute diarrheal disease
- acute kidney failure
- acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- acute monocytic leukemia
- acute non lymphoblastic leukemia
- acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy
- acute retinal necrosis
- Adam’s apple
- Addisson’s disease
- adenosine
- adenosine deaminase
- adenosine diphosphate
- adequate
- adhesive tape
- admissión
- adolescence
- adrenal (ing)
- adrenalin
- adrenaline
- adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblastine, dacarbazine
- adult
- adult age
- adult respiratory distress syndrome
- advice
- age
- age-related macular degeneration
- aggressive
- agony
- agoraphobia
- aid
- ailment
- air
- airway
- airways resistance
- albumin
- alcohol (ing)
- alcoholism
- alexia (ing)
- alive
- allergy
- alpha-fetoprotein
- aluminium
- alveolar-arterial oxygen tension difference
- alveolus
- ambidextrous
- amenorrhea
- amenorrhoea
- aminolevulinic acid
- ammonia
- ampere
- amputation
- amygdala
- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- anaemia
- anaesthesia
- analgesic
- analysis
- anaphylaxis
- anatomic tooth
- anchilosis
- anemia (ing)
- anesthesia
- anesthesiologist
- anesthetic
- anesthetist
- aneurism
- aneurysm
- angina (ing)
- angina pectoris
- angles of month
- ankle
- ankylosis
- anomaly
- antabuse
- antacid
- antecedent
- anterior chamber intraocular lens
- anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
- anteroposterior
- anthelmintic
- anthrax
- antiacid
- antibiotic
- antibody
- antibody to the hepatitis B core antigen
- antibody to the hepatitis B e antigen
- antibody to the hepatitis B surface antigen
- anticatarrhal
- anticoagulant
- antidote
- antigen
- antihemorrhagic
- antihistamine
- antiparalytic
- antiparasitic
- antiphlogistic
- antiphlogistine
- antiseptic
- antisocial (ing)
- antitetanic
- antitoxic
- anuria (ing)
- anxiety
- aortitis (ing)
- apendicitis (ing)
- apepsia (ing)
- aperture
- aphakic cystoid macular edema
- aphasia
- aphonia
- aphtha
- aponeurosis (ing)
- apophysitis
- apoplexy
- apparatus
- appetite
- application
- appoint
- approach
- appropriate for gestational age
- aqueous humor
- arcuate
- arginine vasopressin
- argon
- argon laser trabeculoplasty
- argument
- arm
- armpit
- arsenic
- arterial CO2 content
- arterial O2 content
- arterial oxygen saturation
- arteriosclerosis (ing)
- arteriovenous oxygen tension difference
- arteritis (ing)
- artery
- arthralgia
- arthritis
- articulation
- artificial (ing)
- artificial respiration
- artificial tooth
- aspersión
- asphyxia
- aspirin
- assay
- asthma
- astigmatism
- astringent
- athlete’s foot
- atrial natriuretic factor
- atrial natriuretic peptide
- atrophy
- attack
- attitude
- auditory
- aunt
- autoanalizer
- autoclave (ing)
- autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- autonomic
- autonomic nervous system
- autonomic neuropathy
- autopsy
- average mean blood pressure
- avitaminosis (ing)